Installation and User Guide
Camera and Electronic Products for Integrators
Presenter’s Camera Location System
Vaddio’s StepVIEW Presenter Camera Location
System provides for automated presenter
control over the Vaddio ControlVIEW Xtreme
Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Control System.
StepVIEW Exposed Mat
StepVIEW Concealed Mat
The StepVIEW system works by having the presenter step on the
heavy duty, presence sensing, and non-slip auto locator mats in the
area that the cameras are to be used. Camera presets are
assigned to those mat locations and programmed into the
ControlVIEW Extreme. As the presenter walks to different areas in
the room (i.e. behind the lectern, up to the whiteboard, etc…) the
mats trigger the AutoVIEW Control Expander, which in turn
commands the cameras to move to that area of the room
The StepVIEW presence sensing mats come in both a rubberized,
non-slip exposed auto-locator mat and an architectural thin,
concealed auto-locator mat for permanent installation underneath
carpeting or rolled flooring products (see pictures at the top of the
page). The StepVIEW trigger mats are durable, attractive and
come in two different sizes for flexibility of mat positioning.
The StepVIEW system is the perfect addition to the Vaddio
ControlVIEW Xtreme Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Control System when
used in a hands-free, presenter controlled camera-switching
conferencing environment.
Before installing and operating the Vaddio StepVIEW System,
please read the entire manual thoroughly. The system was
designed, built and tested for use indoors, and with the provided
power supply and cabling. The use of a power supply other than
the one provided or outdoor operation has not been tested and
could damage the system and/or create a potentially unsafe
operating condition.
The information contained in this manual will help you install and
operate your Vaddio StepVIEW Presenter Control System. If these
instructions are misplaced, Vaddio keeps copies of Specifications,
Installation and User Guides and most pertinent product drawings
for the Vaddio product line on the website. These documents can
be downloaded from
2004 Vaddio - All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Specifications and
pricing subject to change. CeilingVIEW, WallVIEW ControlVIEW, EZCamera and PowerRite are registered trademarks of Vaddio,
Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Form Number 341-198 Rev. A