Flow Test
: A flow test involves pushing air through a product
at a set pressure and measuring the resultant flow sensor.
Flow testing can be used in two ways:
(1) Flow Leak Detection: Product is filled with air at a set
pressure and then sealed from atmosphere in a pressure
decay test. Any flow above zero indicates a leak.
(2) Flow Measurement: Air is pushed through a product at
a set pressure and allowed to flow to atmosphere. The
amount of air movement through product is measured by
the flow sensor. Sprint iQ’s digital readout shows flow
rate in units that can be selected by the customer.
Gage Pressure
: A force referenced to barometric pressure.
Sprint uses a gage regulator to keep the pressure constant
as barometric pressure changes.
Gross Leak
: A leak that causes a drop below the negative
pressure error during the stabilization phase. Typically,
when a product under test has a gross leak, pressure
cannot build high enough to reach test pressure.
If Sprint iQ indicates a gross leak in good products, a
larger pressure error value may be needed. This is often
the case when testing large product or products
constructed of flexible materials. See Pressure Error.
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Interface Communication
: between Sprint and a peripheral
device such as a PLC, computer or printer. Sprint has
many interface options such as an I/O port for discrete
communication, an ethernet port, and serial port for test
result output. The serial port uses a serial protocol known