The UroDapter®
User Manual
Thank you for purchasing the UroDapter®, which enables the catheter-free instillation of the
Compared to the traditional way of bladder instillation
which involves a catheter
using the
UroDapter® has a number of advantages. The process is minimally invasive and entirely
painless. A catheter, even if it is used in the most cautious way, can cause microlesions and be
the source of infections. These issues are not experienced if the UroDapter® is used. Moreover,
the UroDapter® enables the treatment of the bladder and the urethra at the same time, which
is difficult to impossible with a catheter. After the instillation, the mucosa of the surface of the
urethra becomes covered with a thin layer of the instilled solution which has a regenerative
effect until the next voiding.
Intended use
Performing a bladder instillation with the solution prescribed by the therapist without a
catheter, in a safe, painless and non-invasive way.
Solutions generally used include substances for regenerating the inner mucosal surface of the
bladder (the GAG-layer), local anaesthetics (e.g. lidocaine), antibiotics, certain hormones or
chemotherapeutic agents. Indications whose treatment the UroDapter® can be successfully
applied in are Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS), Urinary Tract Infections
(UTIs), certain forms of Hemorrhagic Cystitis (Chemotherapy Induced Cystitis, Radiation
Cystitis), Severe Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB), Chemotherapy of Bladder Cancer (female
The UroDapter® can be used by male or female patients.
Sterile. Single use.
Only a professional person can prescribe the use of the UroDapter® for self-instillation.
Before starting self-therapy with the UroDapter® always consult with your therapist about
how the self-treatment should be performed
the solution you have to instill into your bladder
the frequency and the total number of occasions of self-treatment.
Improper use of the UroDapter® could result in injuries or worsening the condition of the
patient! For the inappropriate use of the UroDapter® neither the manufacturer, nor the
distributor take any responsibility.
For any complications or adverse effects caused by the solution instilled with the UroDapter®
neither the manufacturer, nor the distributor take any responsibility.