w w w . u q d e v i c e s . c o m
L o g i c 1 6 U s e r M a n u a l
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Section 2
Quick Start Guide
This guide outlines basic steps to get started with Logic16. Refer to section 3.1 to identify ports and
connectors on the unit. Videos are available on the website for additional getting started support.
Power the device
Connect Logic16 to a DC power supply (12 V @
1.5 A) or a NIM crate (12 V @ 1.0 A
and -12V @0.4 A). The “Power” LED should turn blue.
Set up a connection
Connect Logic16 to your computer using the USB 2 cable supplied with your device.
Establish communication
Ensure software and program libraries are available on your host PC.
Open the Time
Tag Explorer software and click connect. The “USB” LED should turn blue.
This quick start guide references the use of Time Tag Explorer. See section 4 to learn
about Logic16 Correlation Viewer or custom programming.
Connect to a signal
Connect one of the input channels to a photon detector using an SMA Cable.
Alternatively, simulate your signal using output 4 - a basic function generator
Read tags or count patterns
Check the Read Tags box on the Time Tag Explorer Time Tag Tab and verify that time
tag differences appear in the GUI window. OR go to the Logic tab, check Use Logic
box and verify that counts appear in the GUI window under singles for the connected
If you cannot see these signals, please check that your input thresholds on the input
tab are set appropriately for your signal.
Available at
or on the CD included with Logic16
Control the function generator on the “FG” tab of Time Tag Explorer – click the box beside “FG” to turn on