w w w . u q d e v i c e s . c o m
L o g i c 1 6 U s e r M a n u a l
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Section 4
Software Interface
Drivers Installation
Logic16 comes with .NET drivers for Windows and C++ drivers for Windows and Linux.
Windows 8 or higher
Devices with FPGA version greater than 2.17 do not need a driver installed on Windows 8.
Plug in the device and the driver loads automatically.
Caution: Do not connect a device with firmware version below 2.17 to a computer
running Windows 8. Windows stores the presence of an automatic driver in the
registry. When it doesn’t find a driver on the first attempt, it will never ask the device
Pre Windows 8
Extract the Zip file with the USB driver
Plug the unit into the NIM crate or DC power supply
Connect the unit to the computer using a USB cable
Power on the NIM crate
When prompted, choose manual driver selection
Navigate to the folder with the extracted files and open the sub folder “USB Driver“
The driver is installed and the device is ready for use.
Linux C++ drivers for Intel processor 32 and 64 bit are provided. Linux 32 bit on ARM is provided for test
purposes and is not guaranteed to run on all ARM environments.
On Linux, copy libtimetag32.so or libtimetag64.so to your lib directory. If you have not already done so,
get the g++ compiler and libusb development version.
sudo apt-get install g++-4.6-multilib
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev