UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 2: Ampex ATR-102
Record is a primary “color” control for the plug-in. Just like genuine magnetic
tape, lower Record levels will have a cleaner sound, while higher levels result
in more harmonic saturation and coloration. Higher Record levels will also in-
crease the output level from the plug-in. The Reproduce control can be low-
ered to compensate if unity gain operation is desired.
Reproduce/Record Controls Arrangement
Note that the Reproduce control is to the left of the Record control, which is
atypical of most signal flow designs, where inputs usually precede outputs
(flowing from left to right). This quirky arrangement of the Ampex ATR-102
I/O controls, where the input control “follows” the output control, is true to the
original hardware design. In Controls View, the Record (input) control pre-
cedes the Reproduce (output) control.
The secondary controls (
by clicking the OPEN button beneath the AMPEX label. Con-
versely, the panel is closed by clicking the CLOSE button.
Link mode is a software-only addition that enables controls
that are identical for the left and right channels to be linked
for ease of operation when both channels require the same
values, or unlinked when independent left/right control is desired. In other
words, left/right channel controls are ganged together in link mode.
The Link parameter is stored within presets and can be accessed via automa-
Although there are separate left/right Meter controls for VU/Peak and
Input/Output, these controls are permanently linked and cannot be switched
individually for the left and right channels, even if Unlink mode is active.
In Link mode, modifying any left or right channel control causes its adjacent
stereo counterpart control to snap to the same position.
When Unlink mode is active and Link is enabled, the left chan-
nel control values are copied to the right channel. Control offsets between
channels are lost in this case.