UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 1: Documentation & Support
Direct Developers
UAD Powered Plug-Ins includes plug-ins from our Direct Developer partners.
Documentation for these 3rd-party plug-ins are separate files that are written
and provided by the plug-in developers themselves. The filenames for these
plug-ins are the same as the plug-in names.
Installed Locations
The UAD and Direct Developer manual files are copied to the hard drive by
the software installer to the following locations:
• Start Menu>All Programs>UAD Powered Plug-Ins>Documentation
• Startup Disk/Applications/Powered Plug-Ins Tools/Documentation
UAD Powered Plug-Ins is a cross-platform solution for both Windows and Mac
computers.* The UAD hardware device can be installed into either platform;
it is the exact same hardware for both platforms. Operation of the plug-ins is
practically identical regardless of the host system platform and application.
However, certain platform-specific instructions will differ according to the host
system you are using.
*UAD-2 Satellite and Apollo are Mac only at this time.
Instructions in this guide that are platform-specific are indicated with a head-
ing in red letters. Instructions that are identical regardless of platform are not
Instructions specific to the Windows platform use this red Windows heading.
Instructions specific to the Mac platform use this red Mac heading.
Unless specified otherwise, for descriptive purposes within this manual,
“UAD-2” means all UAD-2 family products (Solo, Duo, Quad, SOLO/Laptop,
Satellite, Apollo).
Screen Shots
Screenshots in this manual may be taken from the Windows and/or Mac ver-
sion of the software, and are used interchangeably when the content and
functionality of the screenshot is the same on both platforms. Slight variations
in the appearance of a screenshot between operating systems are inevitable.