UAD Powered Plug-Ins Manual
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Chapter 14: Helios Type 69 Equalizer
The Bass knob has a dual purpose. It specifies the amount
of attenuation when the low band is in shelving mode, and
specifies the frequency of the low frequency peak filter
when the Bass Gain knob is not zero.
When Bass is set to one of the frequency values (60 Hz,
100 Hz, 200 Hz, or 300 Hz) the low band is in peak
mode. In this mode, the amount of gain (“bass boost”) applied to the specified
frequency is determined by the Bass Gain knob.
When this knob is set to one of the decibel values (–3, –6, –9, –12, –15 dB)
the low band is in “bass cut” shelving mode with a set frequency of 50 Hz.
Like the original hardware, simply putting this control on any frequency
will yield approximately 3.5 dB in gain increase even if the Bass Gain control
is set to 0.
Bass Gain
The Bass Gain knob determines the amount of low band gain
to be applied when the Bass knob is in one of the frequency
positions. Up to +15 dB of boost is available.
Bass Gain has no effect when the Bass knob is in shelv-
ing mode (when Bass set to one of the dB positions).
Mid Freq
This control determines the frequency of the midrange band.
The following frequencies can be specified: 700 Hz, 1 kHz,
1.4 kHz, 2 kHz, 2.8 kHz, 3.5 kHz, 4.5 kHz, and 6 kHz.
The gain for the mid band is determined by the Mid
Gain control. MidFreq has no effect if the Mid Gain control
is set to zero.
In the graphic interface of this control, what may appear to
be a dash (“-”) actually represents a decimal point. This
anomaly mimics the original hardware.
Mid Gain
This control determines the amount of gain or attenuation to be
applied to the mid band. Up to 15 dB of boost or cut is avail-
The Q (bandwidth) on the midrange band is fairly wide and
gentle at low settings, but gets progressively narrower as the gain value is in-