he MS140 family of bar code slot readers is a flexible, cost
effective solution when you demand a reliable and rugged slot
reader. With a resolution of up to 6 mils (0.15 mm), the MS140
is capable of reading any bar coded identification badge.
Its sealed optical system is available in both visible light or
infrared. The infrared units ensure accurate reading of either
visible and laminated badges. Its water resistant base and
rugged housing make the MS140 a popular choice in any
environment. An optional mounting bracket is available to safely
secure the unit in any direction.
Like most of our products, the MS140 is available with a variety
of interfaces, including undecoded (TTL), keyboard wedge (XT/
AT, PS/2 and Macintosh), and RS232. All Unitech undecoded
products have pen output and can be connected to any of the
our wedge line or to any external device that accepts pen input.
Decoded versions are easy to use and configure. Both the
keyboard wedge and RS232 can be configured on-screen by
selecting the desired options from a menu. And the
configuration can be reproduced in other units by generating
custom setup labels.
Available with TTL, keyboard wedge
and RS232 interfaces.
Reads most popular bar code
Easy to use and configure.
50 mm to 750 mm/sec Scan Rate.
6 mil minimum resolution.
Reads visible and laminated
barcode labels.
Advanced Data Editing.
Rugged, lightweight housing.
Wide slot allows thicker badges.
Bar Code
Slot Reader