Health and safety
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information given in our
publications, but in accordance with our policy of continually improving our products
we reserve the right to modify designs and specifications whenever necessary. All
equipment is designed to conform to relevant British and International standards.
Every care is taken to ensure that, as far as reasonably practical, it will perform
without risk to health. It is essential that accepted codes of professional practice are
followed in the assembly, installation and commissioning of the equipment. If in
doubt with respect to any of these instructions, please consult Unipart Rail LTD -
Dorman before installing the device.
Unipart Rail LTD - Dorman reserves the right to vary any component part to meet
the required specifications without prior notice.
Dorman ref. No B16.15376 ISS 5
PADS NUMBER 094/008050
To be read before commencing
Wennington Road, Southport PR9 7TN. England
Tel: 01704 518000 Fax: 01704 518001
WEB SITE http://www.unipartdorman.co.uk
E MAIL address – [email protected]