Tips and Tricks
screen rotation for some specific App, which will make the experience more perfect.
Intelligent assistance
Scroll assistant
Home button false touch rejection settings
The function of swiping on keyboard to scroll screen will sometimes cause false touch
on the Home button. You can solve this problem by setting the Home button function.
Intelligent assistance
More settings
HOME key function
press to launcher.
Turn on the Mini mode
When you encounter incomplete display of the page in an App, you can switch to Mini
Intelligent assistance
Mini mode
After enabling the Mini mode, when you press and hold the power button for a long
time, you can see the option of Mini mode in the pop-up window, and you can switch
to Mini mode by touching on it.
Another quick switching method: Settings>Smart Assist>Mini mode. Turn on both
switches: Mini-Mode and Two fingers slide to activate Mini mode.
Then you may switch between normal mode and Mini-Mode by sliding two fingers on
the top of the screen.
Intelligent assistance >Mini mode.