Basic Communication Procedures
Nur für den internen Gebrauch
A31003-S2000-R102-16-7620 02/2016
Provisioning Service, Developer’s Guide
Basic Message Flow
Basic Communication Procedures
This chapter describes the interaction between the phone and the provisioning server in detail.
Depending on the situation and the intended task, the interaction will be started by the phone
or by the provisioning service. First, we will explain the basic message flow.
Basic Message Flow
Phone Driven Interaction
A typical reason for contacting the provisioning service is a configuration change on the phone.
The message flow might proceed as follows: In an initial HTTPS request, the phone tells the
provisioning service that it is ready for operation. In its response, the provisioning service asks
for all current settings (data items). Hence, the phone sends a complete list of settings, allowing
the provisioning service to update its database. At this point, the provisioning service may de-
cide whether the phone’s configuration needs to be changed or not. If not, the provisioning ser-
vice should send a CleanUp message, telling the phone not to expect any further messages.
This will also end the HTTPS session.
Depending on the amount of configuration data, the XML messages might become
quite long. In order to prevent overflow problems, longer messages can be split into
fragments. For details, see Section 3.7, "Message Fragmentation".