Enhanced phone functions
Accepting a second call
You are conducting a call and the "Camp/Overide" function is ac-
A second call is signaled via the call waiting tone. The caller hears the ring tone
as if you were free.
Select and confirm the option shown.
You can talk to the second party.
The connection to the first party is on hold.
Ending the second call and resuming the first one
Press the key shown.
Replace the handset and lift it once more.
System-supported conference
You can include up to eight internal and external parties in a system-supported
conference. Parties with system phones can perform/use all of the functions list-
ed below at the same time. ISDN phones and external parties are passive par-
ticipants – they can only be included in the current conference.
You can include parties and conferences from a remote system in your confer-
ence. The remote parties can establish and extend their own conference. Par-
ties in this conference are included in your current conference. However, they
cannot perform/use the functions listed below.
The following functions are supported for all conference participants with system
• Establishing a conference by calling a party, receiving a call, conducting a con-
sultation call or receiving a second call
• Accepting a second call and including the caller in the conference
• Toggling between the conference and a consultation call or second call
• Conducting a consultation call during a conference and connecting it to the
• Connecting conference participants from two independent conferences via a
remote network
• Obtaining an overview of all conference participants
• Transferring a conference to a new party
The functions listed can be performed by all conference participants simulta-
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