A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
IP Network Parameters
The Simple Network Management Protocol is used by network management systems for mon-
itoring network-attached devices for conditions that warrant administrative attention. An SNMP
manager surveys and, if needed, configures several SNMP elements, e.g. VoIP phones.
OpenScape Desk Phone CP phones support SNMPv1.
There are currently 4 trap categories that can be sent by the phones:
Standard SNMP traps
OpenScape Desk Phone CP phones support the following types of standard SNMP traps, as
defined in RFC 1157:
: sent if the phone does a full restart.
: sent if only the phone software is restarted.
: sent when IP connectivity is restored.
QoS Related traps
These traps are designed specifically for receipt and interpretation by the QDC collection sys-
tem. The traps are common to SIP phones, HFA phones, Gateways, etc.
Traps for important high level SIP related problems
Currently, these traps are related to problems in registering with a SIP Server and to a failure
in remotely logging off a mobile user. These traps are aimed at a nonexpert user (e.g. a stan-
dard Network Management System) to highlight important telephony related problems.
Traps specific to OpenScape Desk Phone CP
Currently, the following traps are defined:
: sent if severe trace events occur; aimed at expert users.
: sent if severe trace events occur; aimed at expert users.
Data required
Trap sending enabled
: Enables or disables the sending of a TRAP message to the SNMP
Value range: "Yes", "No"
Default: "No"
Trap destination
: IP address or hostname of the SNMP manager that receives traps.
Trap destination port
: Port on which the SNMP manager is receiving TRAP messages.
Default: 162