A31003-C1000-M101-1-76A9, 03/2016
OpenScape Desk Phone CP200/400/600, Administrator Documentation
Transferring Phone Software, Application, and Media Files
Ringer File
Custom ring tones can be uploaded to the phone.
The following file formats are supported:
WAV format. The recommended specifications are:
Audio format: PCM
Bitrate: 16 kB/sec
Sampling rate: 8 kHz
Quantization level: 16 bit
MIDI format.
MP3 format (OpenScape Desk Phone CP600 only). The OpenScape Desk Phone CP600
phones are able to play MP3 files from 32 kbit/s up to 320 kbit/s. As the memory for user
data is limited to 8 MB, a constant bitrate of 48 kbit/sec to 112 kbit/s and a length of max.
1 minute is recommended. Although the phone software can play stereo files, mono files
are recommended, as the phone has only 1 loudspeaker.
See the following table for estimated file size (mono files):
The download of ringer files via WBM or local menu is possible only for
OpenScape Desk Phone CP600.
The file size for a ringer file is limited to 1 MB. If the file is too large or the contents
of the file are not valid, the file will not be stored in the phone. This limitation is only
enforced on WBM. If a ringer file is downloaded via OpenStage Manager, this restric-
tion does not apply.
64 kbit/s
80 kbit/s
96 kbit/s
112 kbit/s
0:15 min
0.12 MB
0.15 MB
0.18 MB
0.21 MB
0:30 min
0.23 MB
0.29 MB
0.35 MB
0.41 MB
0:45 min
0.35 MB
0.44 MB
0.53 MB
0.62 MB
1:00 min
0.47 MB
0.59 MB
0.70 MB
0.82 MB