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Copyright 2017 Unifire
General Product Information
The Pilot “eHEnergizer” (PHE) is a High Energy Ignition Exciter specifically designed for
safe and reliable ignition of pilots and small gas fired burners (<400,000BTU/hr) for
process heaters, boilers and other combustion equipment typically found in the
hydrocarbon processing industry.
The exciter utilizes a capacitor discharge circuit to supply up to 4 Joules of energy to
an igniter tip at a rate of 2 to 3 sparks per sec. At this energy level and sparking
frequency the igniter tip life is maximized.
There are two models available:
PHE - 120 which operates at 120 VAC
PHE - 24 which operates at 24 VDC
The exciter operates when input voltage is applied to the power supply terminals from
an external control e.g. Burner Management System (BMS). With power present, the
red LED is illuminated and the sparking circuit starts charging. Approximately two
seconds after the LED is turned on, the first spark will occur. Up to three sparks per
second are generated.
The spark interval allows system integrators to meet trial for ignition requirements of
governing codes and standards (e.g. CSA B149.3, NFPA 85) which can vary between 5
and 15 seconds.
The igniter tip connected by an ignition lead to the “eHEnergizer” provides the spark
necessary to ignite the fuel air mixture in the combustion zone. Due to high energy
output of the capacitive discharge the spark generated at the tip will operate
submerged in water, dirt, refractory or any other media commonly found in a furnace
or boiler.
After the trial for ignition period, the power can typically be removed from the unit. A
BMS can do this automatically once the flame is proven. There are no additional sparks
The “eHEnergizer” is a critical component for reliable ignition of the fuel air mixture in a fired
appliance. However, it is the responsibility of the system integrator to ensure that all applicable codes
and standards are adhered to for the complete BMS design, thus ensuring safe operation of the fired