Manual – 3000 NRL Family
Unidata Manual - 3000 NRL Family - 06 08 2019.docx
Page 4
This manual should be read in conjunction with the associated
- Starlog 4 User Manual Management Software for Loggers and Neon Terminals and Loggers Manual
- Neon Server Applications Software Documentation which is available on help screens on any Neon
Installation and in PDF form from the main Unidata web site
This manual and the StarlogV4 User Manual and the Neon Server User & Administrator Documentation form
part of the documentation suite for the overall Neon System.
The Neon system collects measurements from Neon Field Units / Neon Remote Loggers (NRL)
connected to field instruments and sensors and transmits these measurements to a central Neon Web
based system for data storage, analysis, data presentation, graphical analysis and reporting and data
transfer to other external systems.
The Neon system also provides facilities for remote management of Neon Field Units / Neon Remote
Loggers via the Neon Web interface to allow for remote reconfiguration, sensor input changes and local
program changes thereby minimising trips to site and reducing cost.
The communication protocol between Neon Field Units / Neon Remote Loggers and the central Neon
Server is Internet Protocol / TCPIP and LoRa LPWAN technology protocol.
The communications method between Neon Field Units / Neon remote Loggers and the central Neon
Server can be any method which utilises TCPIP, and we support Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Direct Ethernet,
Inmarsat BGAN M2M Satellite, Globalstar Satellite, Iridium Satellite and LoRa LPWAN across public and
private networks.
The Starlog 4 software is a desktop application which assists with the setup of Neon Field Unit / Neon
Remote Logger configuration. This software allows for a point and click setup of Neon Field Unit / Neon
Remote Logger internal programs, called schemes. Schemes are downloaded to the Neon Field Units /
Neon Remote Loggers via a serial interface direct to the Neon Field Unit / Neon Remote Logger or
uploaded to the Neon Web interface to be downloaded to a neon Field Unit / Neon Remote Logger in the
field via the Neon network.
The Neon system is offered to customers based on two options:
- A customer owned server model, where the customer purchases a Neon Application Software licence
from Unidata and runs that software on their own servers,
- A hosted application service model where Unidata provides access to run the system on Unidata
secure cloud servers on a fee for service basis.