Page 26
Version 3.3 / November 2016
3.4.14 The coffee group Coffee grinder and dosing apparatus (for ROSSO)
The coffee beans are crushed using the coffee grinder, which is located underneath the coffee bean
container. When you select a drink, which uses coffee beans, the beans fall into the coffee grinder, where
they are ground using the built-in choppers, going further into the dosing apparatus, which is located in
front of the coffee grinder. From here the coffee is fed into the espresso group.
The quality of grinding of coffee depends on the rotation of the
screw, located on the coffee grinder (see figures 55 and 56 posi
tion1). Turn the screw clockwise grind more (smaller particles) or
counter clockwise to grind less (larger particles) – (see figure 55).
You can set the rotation of the coffee grinder to achieve the re-
quired level of grinding.
After setting the grinding quality, check the quality of coffee. If
needed please set again to achieve the required level of grinding.
: the smaller the particle size the longer will be the extract
and the drink will be more saturated.
Figure 55
Figure 56