Step 3: Remove the SD card from the PC, insert it into the EVK, and power on the EVK
Step 4: Waiting for a while and you can get the logged data in the SD card. During the
process, you may use the Micro-B USB cable to connect the EVK to PC in order to check
the status of data transmission with a port monitor tool.
Firmware Upgrade Instructions
Step 1: Insert the SD card into the PC, and copy the zipped folder “UM220-IV-
N_EVK_Suite_V2.0_sdcard” to the card. Unzip the folder and open “bootloader” to make
sure that it contains the loader file. Then, put the firmware file
in the “firmware” folder.
For the bootloader and firmware folders, only one file can be stored in each folder.
Step 2: Open the “config.ini” file, and set the “update” value to 1.
Step 3: Remove the SD card from the PC, insert it into the EVK, and power on the EVK.
Step 4: During upgrade, the indicator L1 is off. After the upgrade is finished, the light
turns on. You may also use the Micro-B USB cable to connect the EVK to PC in order to
check the status of upgrade with a port monitor tool.
If the antenna is not connected, the EVK will output debug information; if you need the positioning
information, please connect the antenna before powering on.
Please contact Unicore to get the latest firmware.