The handling must be performed by qualified personnel, properly equipped with appropriate equipments to the weight and the
encumbrance of the unit, in compliance with safety regulations of accident preventing.
When the unloading and the placement of
the unit, it is highly recommended to avoid
any sudden or violent motion in order to
protect the inner components and the frame.
The units can be lifted by mean of a forklift
or, otherwise by mean of belts, making sure
to damage the lateral panels and the cover of
the unit using a structure of spacers as shown
in the drawing. In this context, it is necessary
to hook indirectly the unit to the basement
but on two steel pipes of adequate
dimension that to pass into the appropriate
holes situated in the same basement of the
unit. It is important to keep the unit
horizontal during these operations.
1) Handling with forklift
under the pallet
2) Handling with forklift under
the unit using the appropriate
windows of passing forks
3) Handling by mean
of belts
All HP_OWER models are designed for outdoor installations; any cover over the unit or locating near trees (even if they partially
cover the unit) has to be avoided in order to allow the air recirculation. It is advisable to realize a supporting basement, with
adequate size similar to unit foot-print. The unit vibration level is very low: it is advisable however, to fit a rigid rubber band
between basement and unit base-frame. It is also possible to install anti-vibration supports (springs or rubbers) to keep vibrations
at a very low level. An absolute care has to be taken to ensure adequate air volume to the condenser. The re-circulation of
discharge air has to be avoided; failure to observe this point will result in poor performance or activation of safety controls. For
these reasons it is necessary to observe the following clearances:
1500 500 1000 850
1500 500 1000 850
1500 500 1000 850
* The recommended minimum distance for installation,
maintenance and operation.
N.B. Avoid suspended installations. If you cannot, use your
common sense and follow local regulations, and in the case of
doubt, contact your authorized service center.
The hydraulic connections have to be installed in accordance with national and local regulations; pipes can be made up of steel,
galvanized steel or PVC. Pipes have to be designed depending on the nominal water flow and on the hydraulic pressure drops of
the system. All the hydraulic connections must to be insulated with closed-cell material of adequate thickness. Chillers have to be
connected to piping by means of flexible joints. The hydraulic circuit should include the following components:
Hole thermometers for monitoring the hydraulic circuit’s temperature.
Manual gate valves to separate the chiller from the hydraulic circuit.
Y-shaped metallic filter (to be mounted on the return pipe from the plant) with a metallic mesh not larger than 1mm.
Loading group and discharge valve, where it’s necessary.
Front panel