2. Band Power: In non-zero span mode, calculating the total power of the signal in a certain bandwidth.
In zero span mode, calculating the average power in a certain time range.
3. Band Density: In non-zero span mode, the density in-band is the total power in the bandwidth to be
measured divided by the measurement bandwidth. In zero span mode, the density in-band is the
measured power in-band divided by Bn (Bn refers to the noise bandwidth of the RBW filter).
4. N dB
on /off
: Turn on the N dB bandwidth measurement function, or set the value of N dB. N dB
bandwidth refers to the frequency difference between two points where the current cursor frequency
point is down (N<0) or up (N>0) of N dB amplitude to the left and right. User can change the value of N
by using the numeric key, rotary knob, direction key or touch panel menu.
5. Counter
: Turn on the frequency counting function of the cursor. The cursor displays the
precise frequency of the frequency point with the maximum energy. Enable the frequency meter will
affect the scanning speed.
6. Counter Gate: Set the count time of the frequency meter.
All Markers Off
: Close all the marker point.
: Use the value of the current cursor to set other system parameters of the spectrum analyzer
(such as center frequency, reference level, etc.). If no cursor is available at the current, press Marker
menu to activate a cursor automatically.
1. ->CF: Set the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the frequency of the current cursor.
When “Normal” cursor is selected, the center frequency is set to the frequency of the cursor.
When “Difference” cursor is selected, the center frequency is set to the frequency of the difference
In zero span mode, this function is not work.
2. ->CF Step: Set the stepped center frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the frequency of the current
When “Normal” cursor is selected, the stepped center frequency is set to the frequency of the
When “Difference” cursor is selected, the stepped center frequency is set to the frequency
difference between the difference cursor and the reference cursor.
In zero span mode, this function is not work.
3. ->Start: Set the start frequency of the spectrum analyzer to the frequency of the current cursor.
When “Normal” cursor is selected, the start frequency is set to the frequency of the cursor.
When “Difference” cursor is selected, the start frequency is set to the frequency of the difference
In zero span mode, this function is not work.