UT8805E Benchtop Digital Multimeter
The refreshing rate of measured value depends on the measured capacitance value.
History data review
User can check the history data by number, bar chart, trend chart, and histogram.
please discharge the capacitor before high-capacity electrolytic capacitor measurement.
2.4 Relative Measurement Parameters
Relative measurement parameters of multimeter are configured at factory, so users can operate
measurements directly or modify parameters as needed.
2.4.1 DC Input Impedance
Select the particular input impedance value for DC voltage measurement. Press [Input Z] in DC voltage
function to enter the following interface:
Figure 2-29 Interface of input impedance selecting
10MΩ or 10GΩ parameters are selectable. Generally, 10MΩ is regular used, but higher impedance value
10GΩ is recommended to improve the measuring precision for 200mV, 2V and 20V ranges. Current
selection is saved in non-volatile memory.
The default input impedance is 10GΩ for DC voltage 200mV, 2V and 20V ranges, and 10MΩ for
200V and 1000V ranges.
10GQ input impedance is only supported in 200mV, 2V and 20V ranges.
The DC input impedance setting is saved in non-volatile memory.
2.4.2 Short- circuit Resistance
Short-circuit resistance value is only used in continuity test and can be modified. The beeper beeps when
the measured resistance is lower than set value.
Turn the continuity test function on, and enter following interface as Figure 2-30.