(6) Replacing valves
Note: The normal valve and the cut valve as shown in the photo are used together in
steps 1-1 and 1-2. A single normal valve is used in step 2 and step 3.
(7) Assemble in the reverse order to disassembly.
(1) Align the projection on the valve with depression on the pump head and assemble
(see photo).
(2) Fit the outlet valve retainer so its alignment mark is opposite the alignment mark
on the pump head outlet.
Note: Ensure that the valves are not misaligned, and that they are not pinched in
the valve retainer.
(3) Apply a small amount of Loctite
242 (or equivalent) to the two hexagon socket
head cap screws (M5 x 16L)
in each valve retainer (inlet and outlet), and
tighten to 3.5Nm with a torque wrench.
Note: Tighten to 4Nm in steps 2 and 3.
(4) Place the pump head gasket and pump head cover on the pump head in that
order, and tighten the six hexagon socket head cap screws (M5 x 16L) equally in
diagonally opposite pairs to 5Nm with a torque wrench.
First valve>
<Second valve>
Step 3
Step 1-2
Step 2
Step 1-1
Normal valve
Valve following cutting
Alignment mark
Alignment mark