QSx Operating Manual
C6054101 (June 2020)
Troubleshooting and Problem Solving
Ultrawave have a dedicated After Sales team who are able to resolve any
problems that occur with your QSx. However, on many occasions it is
possible that the problem can be rectified by the operator.
The unit fails to turn on
(no display is shown)
Check that the unit is plugged in and that
mains electricity is present.
The screen displays:
“Liquid Level Low”
Fill the QSx with water so that it is above the
fill line indicated inside the tank.
If you are using “normal” water ensure that
the detergent has been added.
If the water in your area
is “hard”, slightly
more detergent may be required.
If “pure” water (e
.g. De-I or RO) is being
used, the level sensor can be disabled in the
advanced menu (see page 19).
The screen displays:
“Sonics Low”
The QSx is fitted with an ultrasonic power
detector, which monitors the ultrasonic
activity in the bath during a cleaning cycle.
If the ultrasonic power drops below a certain
point, the cycle will be incomplete and this
message will display. This is not necessarily
caused by a problem with the machine.
Excessive amounts of parts to be cleaned can
cause the power level in the bath to drop.
If this message displays, run another cycle to
see if the problem persists.
The screen displays:
“Heater OFF”
“Check Level”
“Switch Off to”
The QSx bath has detected that the heaters
operated above their rated temperature and
has disabled the heating function. This also
disables a cycle from starting. The most likely
cause is the liquid evaporating when the level
sensor is switched off.
Switch the unit off, top up the liquid above
the level sensor and switch the unit back on.