Ultrafly TUTOR 32E Instruction Manual Download Page 18

Summary of Contents for TUTOR 32E

Page 1: ...uction manual before you start First time builders if not familiar with the processes in the manual pleasefind an experiencedbuilder to help with assembly Always keep children away from the assembly area due to small parts and glue which aredangerousto children Pleasesave this instruction manualfor future repair or parts ordering purposes EH 1J E ffH HG6it ffi F itr H fi Fn g neffircEftH hs ffi a ...

Page 2: ...lotmoreresponse timeintheair Thestallspeed isalsomuchslower thanthetraditional glowengine trainer Eveninstallsituation the reaction isgentleandpredictable Thespecial designed airfoil allows itto penetrate winwithease regardless it lightweight Alltheabove features make Tutor 32E theperfect choice forallbeginners Forthebeginner pilots werecommend youtojointhelocal clubandasked helpfromtheclub member...

Page 3: ...Al MotorMount EEtr AAAA Screw M2 6x8 Rfih A a M6Nut Ftc WasherM6 2x12 Ex2 Propadapter EffiFEH o o M3x3 frl frMfr6x2 Spinner EEg 4 ScrewM2x5 l HHr4Hfif xa Propeller 10x5E FSiEffi u Screw M2 6x10 SRf x2 Propeller Propeller Adapter gDJffiffiWffiX AA 9 9 O 66 Y MainLanding GearStrutSet Tffi f E e e 01 6ffi6 c E PushRod ffi nFfH MainWingJoiner T E fF ...

Page 4: ...tr r ariu frc f E H H l 1 5mm Hexwrench L 4x tF F lnl C Aglue WTAW ffi f Epoxy Glue E W IMPORTANT NOTEBEFORE YOUBEGIN ftH iIE SrF 1 Readthroughthe manualbeforeyou begin so youwillhavean overallideaof whatto do fiHFEt e ffiffiEHE 2 Symbols usedthroughoutthe instruction manual ftf ffi F4rf E H ooo n B iJl W fin X w n Usedrill trH ffi lmportant g F F r d Apply C A glue EffiW1AW Usescrewdriver trH s f...

Page 5: ...onthebattery andmaleconnector ontheESC I BATTERY A Red d 4j r_ _ l r 4 f J n l Carefully remove thecovering material withsharpknife atthewingrootlocation asgraphics shows Donotcut intothebalsa wood 2 Carefully remove thecovering materialwith sharpknife atthewingrootlocation asgraphics shows Donotcut intothebalsawood 1 When yougluethewingtogether innextstep youmustguide theservo wirethrough thehole...

Page 6: ...inghalvesflatandsquareandmakesurethe center thewingjoineris centered in thewing Holdwingassembly in placewithmaskingtapeuntiltheepoxydries Useof 30 minutetypeepoxyhereis strongly recommended 4 4 Tf Tf T TT EEEE FBB ScrewM 2x10 u Y F Upperviewof the Servo Sideviewof the Servo 16 er El r r I il i i Setall servoarmsat neutralposition beforeinstallation ...

Page 7: ... I rl l l l l t T I EE t l I I I _ Setailerons flat neutral position with wingbefore fastening locking screw 2 2 Fastenscrewafterfront wheelwireisaligned and in properlocation E 05 ...

Page 8: ...nwing on the fuselagethen installthe rudderfin on the fuselagefor reference Put the modelon your working table and lookfrom the tail side as graphicshows You need to adjustthe elevatorwith pinor otherobjectto makeevenon both sides Thedistanceat a shouldbe equalto b as graphicshows The anglebetweenrudderand elevatorshouldbe 90 degreeas well Once it is perfectlyaligned useCA to hold the elevator on ...

Page 9: ...1 2 Alignthe elevator Flat or neutralpositionbefore fasteningthe lockingscrew M3x3 2 Alignthe rudder flat or centeredbefore fasteningthe lockingscrew ...

Page 10: ... n E I r o l 47 A a uJ 2 Gently pushthemotormountintothefirewall and lockdown into placeon the firewal Triangular reinforcement wood wood v lI7 i lgu N Z 2 ScrewM 3x8 ScrewM3xB 08 ...

Page 11: ...ghteningthe two hex screws on each side of the prop adaptor Make sure these two screwsare tight and securedas if they are not the prop may come free from the motor and hurt eitheryourselfor othersaround you Set the cowl so there is a 1 2 mm gap betweenthe back of the spinnerassemblyand the front of the cowl Usea handdrillto drillthe screwholeat the screwmountlocation Finally fastenit up with the M...

Page 12: ...eference yourradiohandbookto connect thewireto receiver A 4 l 4 TT TI TT TT E E H E F F F B Rubber ring SideviewoftheServo UpperviewoftheServo T T TT TT EEEE E F g F Screw M2x10 t l t l F I I I T I I I I I flrllliflrilr stllllP Elevayor Rudder Front wheel 10 ...

Page 13: ...Use2500 3200 mAhLipobattery WoodStick 6x105mm ii 11 ...

Page 14: ...Wingcenter line 2 Alignthe wing with the centerof the fuselage Use 4 rubberbandsto securethe wing on the Fuselage Min 1Omm Max 15mm Exp 20 Min 8mm Max 12mm Exp 1 5 Min 1Smm Max 20mm Exp 1 0 ...

Page 15: ...iliarize yourselfwiththe graphicsand moveall radiotrimsto the centerpositions Nowmovethe stickson the radioas perthe diagrams lf theyare notmovingas described stopand recheckyourwiring lf the stickmovesthe correctcontrolsurfacebutin the oppositedirection usethe servoreverse functionon yourradio to changethe controlsurfaces direction lf youstillcannotgetthemto moveproperly go backto yourdealerfor h...

Page 16: ...leoff TestElevator TestAileron 1 3 5 2 4 6 Turnright onRudder Wheel il IL idDt w Upelevator FlyUp TurnleftonRudder Wheel Downelevator FlyDown L r E E E 1 M n I I E E E L l r E t Uprightaileron Right turn Downleftaileron Leftturn 14 ...

Page 17: ...rudder control ontheleftstick Moving thestickupincreases throttle andlowering thestickreduces throttle lfyouletgoofthethrottle stick itshould stayinthatlastposition andnotspring backtoa vertical center position Moving thisstickleftorrightalsomoves therudder andnosewheelsteering Therightstickcontrols theelevator upanddown aswellasthelefVright aileron control lefUright banking turning Pushing therig...

Page 18: ...ane on 8 Check thatyourfrequency isclearbefore turning onandlookforothers onthesamefrequency asyou your frequency isonthebackoftheradio Follow allclubfieldrulesforproper frequency usenotice Anyquestions ask a fellowpilotatthefield 9 Donotturnonyourradiowithout checking thefrequency board orwithotherpilots toseeiftheyareusingthesame frequency youare lf youorsomeone elseturnsonthesamefrequency thera...

Page 19: ...anbeontherunway orinlinewiththebeginning and or endoftherunway forsafety reasons Thisruleisfortakeoffsor landings orgeneral flyingforthatmatter Safety isnojoke 4 Totakeofffromtheground placetheairplane atoneendoftherunway thatfacesintothewind Slowly raise thethrottle andkeeptheairplane going straight intothewind Usetherudder toadjust theplanes direction while ontheground Astheplanegoesfaster itwil...

Page 20: ...feet 20meters atalltime 8 Always watchyourairplane Never takeyoureyesofftheplanewhileinflight Landing 9 Aftera fewminutes youwillnotice thepower dropping andgetting weaker Whenyoufindtheairplane willnot climb asfastasitdidinitially it istimetoland Again landing isbestaccomplished intothewind Toland setthe plane ona course heading intothewindparallel towards yourrunway Reduce thethrottle slowly unt...

Page 21: ...era delalcance de nifros menores de3 aRos deedad Ceproduit convient seulement pour lespersonnes de14ans etplus Ceci n est pas unjouet AVERTISSEMENT DANGER DESUFFOCATI0N Peut contenir depetites pidces Gardez loindesenfants de moins de3 ans Dieses ProduK eignet sich nurfrir Personen ab14Jahren Esistkein Spielzeug WARNUNG GEFAHR DES VERSCHLUCKENS Kann Kleinteile enthalten Von Kindern unter 3 Jahren f...
