Exo x6a Operations Manual
revision 1
1st September 2013
Note: Guided is a separate flight mode. If you enter it you will remain in it until you do
something to change modes. So if you tell it to “go here now”, once it arrives there it will loiter
at the Guided waypoint till you tell it to do something else. Something else could either be going
to another Guided waypoint (staying in Guided mode) or changing to some other flight mode. If
you change to Auto your mission will resume where it left off.
1.3. Mission planner telemetry logs.
1.3.1. Log Types (Dataflash vs tlogs)
There are two ways to record your flight data with ArduCopter. With some exceptions, the two
methods record very similar data but in different ways:
dataflash logs
use the APM‟s onboard 16Mb dataflash memory, which you can
download after use. See table of contents.
telemetry logs
(also known as “tlogs” and the subject of this page) are recorded by the
mission planner when you connect your APM to your computer via your 3DR or Xbee
wireless telemetry link or USB.
1.3.2.When and where tlogs are created
Tlogs are recordings of the MAVLink telemetry messages sent between the APM/PX and the
groundstation and are automatically created the moment you press the connect button on the
mission planner. Files of the format YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss.tlog appear in the “logs”
subfolder in your Mission Planner installation folder or to the location you select in the Planner
options [Config/Tuning] [Planner].
Besides the “.tlog” files, “.rlog” files are also created. These contain all the .tlog data plus
additional debug output from the mission planner. but cannot be parsed or played back so they
should be ignored.
1.3.3. Setting the datarate
The desired rate at which data is sent from the APM/PX to the ground station can be controlled
through the mission planner‟s Software > Planner screen‟s Telemetry drop-downs. Because all