Ultimaker 3 Extended Maintenance Download Page 1

Ultimaker Support


3D Printers


Ultimaker 3



Check for play on the axles of the

Ultimaker 3

January 28, 2020 10:31

The four X and Y axles are locked in place by the pulleys. However, it is possible that one
or more of the pulleys can become slightly loose over time, which could affect their
alignment. If this is the case, there could be play on the X and/or Y axles which can cause
issues with print quality.

It is recommended to check for play on the axles at least once every three months.

Start with the right X axle. Place the print head in the back-left corner of the printer to
keep it out of the way. Hold the frame of the Ultimaker 3 with one hand, and firmly hold
the right X axle with the other. Attempt to move the axle forwards and backwards; do
not be afraid to apply too much force.


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Check for play on the axles of the Ultimaker 3 – ...


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