Loco-Decoder 75200
Digital decoder for the Märklin-Motorola Format
with load compensation for wire-wound motors
For Märklin or HAG locos.
Locos by Märklin or HAG can be operated digitally by using the 75 200 decoder without any
change of the motor. This decoder operates on both the old and the new extended Motorola data
format. It features a load-compensated motor output, field-coil power supply, and two direction-
dependent lamp outputs that are controlled by the function/off keys. When using the new
Motorola data format, two additional auxiliary decoder outputs, a switcher (shunter) speed range,
an alternate address, and momentum can be called up or off by depressing the appropriate
function keys.
Uhlenbrock decoders can be programmed by Intellibox or Märklin Control 80f. Decoder address,
acceleration/braking rates, as well as starting and maximal motor voltage can be set and altered
at every time.
Digital Operation
When running in digital mode, the loco works according to the parameters set by the user. These,
as well as speed and direction settings, are permanently stored. This means that a loco will retain
its settings and will continue to operate as before after the track power has been reestablished.
Therefore, a loco can be run in standard automatic block systems.
When crossing over into an analog powered section, it will retain its speed and direction settings
provided the track voltage is high enough. Changing of direction or speed is not possible though.
Analog Operation
In analog mode the decoder acts like a standard reverser. Loco will run at full speed when entering
a digital section.
Setting the Operation Mode
Switching over from digital to analog mode is done as described in the programming instructions.
A value of 01, analog code, is assigned to programming modes function 08. Factory set code
value is 02 for digital operation.
Important: Lamp state set in digital mode will be retained in analog mode, i. e. when lamps should
light in analog mode, they must have been switched on in digital mode.
A decoder can be set back to digital when in analog mode, by holding the transformers control
knob in overvoltage position for at least 16 secs.
Assignment of Function Keys
The new Motorola Format allows for two additional auxiliary outputs, switcher (shunter) speed
range, an alternate loco address, and cutting in/out of the momentum, accessible by the F1-F4
keys. The code value of programming modes function 05 determines the assign.
The decoder is factory set to F1 controlling A1, F2 controlling A2, F3 void, F4 controlling
Important: Dip switch #2 on the back of Märklin Control Unit 6021 must be set to ON in order to
transmit the new Motorola format.
The decoder is compatible to Märklins accelerating/decelerating circuit for their C90 decoder.
This circuit was published in Märklin-Magazin 4/93 and 5/93.