TOBY-R2 series - System integration manual
UBX-16010572 - R10
Page 107 of 151
DDC (I2C) interface
Guidelines for DDC (I2C) circuit design
General considerations
Communication with u-blox GNSS receivers over DDC (I2C) is not supported by
TOBY-R200-02B-00 and TOBY-R202-02B-00 type numbers.
“GNSS RTC sharing” function is not supported by “02” / "42" / "82" product versions.
The DDC I2C-bus master interface can be used to communicate with u-blox GNSS receivers and other
external I2C-bus slaves as an audio codec. Beside the general considerations reported below, see:
the following parts of this section for specific guidelines for the connection to u-blox GNSS
the section
for an application circuit example with an external audio codec I2C-bus slave.
To be compliant with the I2C bus specifications, the module bus interface pads are open drain output
and pull up resistors must be mounted externally. Resistor values must conform to I2C bus
: for example, 4.7 k
resistors can be commonly used. Pull-ups must be connected
to a supply voltage of 1.8 V (typical), since this is the voltage domain of the DDC pins which are not
tolerant to higher voltage values (e.g. 3.0 V).
Connect the DDC (I2C) pull-ups to the V_INT 1.8 V supply source, or another 1.8 V supply source
enabled after V_INT (e.g., as the GNSS 1.8 V supply present in
application circuit), as any
external signal connected to the DDC (I2C) interface must not be set high before the switch-on of
the V_INT supply of DDC (I2C) pins, to avoid latch-up of circuits and let a proper boot of the module.
The signal shape is defined by the values of the pull-up resistors and the bus capacitance. Long wires
on the bus will increase the capacitance. If the bus capacitance is increased, use pull-up resistors with
nominal resistance value lower than 4.7 k
, to match the I2C bus specifications
regarding rise and
fall times of the signals.
Capacitance and series resistance must be limited on the bus to match the I2C specifications
s is the maximum allowed rise time on the SCL and SDA lines): route connections as short as
If the pins are not used as DDC bus interface, they can be left unconnected.
ESD sensitivity rating of the DDC (I2C) pins is 1 kV (Human Body Model according to JESD22-A114).
Higher protection level could be required if the lines are externally accessible and it can be achieved
by mounting an ESD protection (e.g. EPCOS CA05P4S14THSG varistor array) close to accessible