NINA-B1 series - System integration manual
UBX-15026175 - R16
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Figure 12: Example code of PinNames.h file for EVK-NINA-B1 (continued)
Build software
The Arm Mbed CLI compiles software by using the name of the object created in the
as a parameter to the board flag. In the EVK-NINA-B1 example, the build command is:
“mbed compile –t GCC_ARM –m EVK_NINA_B1”
Wirepas Mesh
NINA-B1 can also be used together with the Wirepas Mesh software stack. This allows the NINA-B1
module to be used in a true, large-scale mesh environment.
Wirepas Mesh is third-party software licensed from Wirepas.
For more information about the Wirepas Mesh software, contact your local u-blox support team.
Saving Bluetooth MAC address and other production data
NINA-B1 series modules come with a programmed Bluetooth MAC address. If needed, this address
can be used by the customer application. For further information about reading the Bluetooth device
address, see also chapter for additional information.
The MAC address is programmed in the CUSTOMER[0] and CUSTOMER[1] registers in the UICR
region of the nRF52832 chip. The address can be read and written using the Segger J-Link utilities or
utility from Nordic.
$ nrfjprog.exe --memrd 0x10001080 --n 8
The UICR memory area can be saved and, if the flash is erased, later written back using the
utilities in the Segger J-link tool suite.
The memory area also includes the serial number and other information that can be valuable to save.
Use the following commands to save the whole memory area:
$ nrfjprog.exe --readuicr uicr.hex
$ nrfjprog.exe --program uicr.hex
Note that the user information configuration registers hold the boot loader start address, which
can confuse the boot process during open CPU development. In this instances, the MAC address
must be written separately.
For additional information and instructions on saving and using the public Bluetooth device address,
see reference [15].
PullNone = 0,
PullDown = 1,
PullUp = 3,
PullDefault = PullUp
} PinMode;