EVK-NORA-B1 - User guide
UBX-20030319 - R06
Product description
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Nordic Semiconductor’s nRF Connect
extension pack turns VS Code into a complete IDE for
developing applications for NORA-B1 and other Nordic Semiconductor based u-blox modules.
This includes an interface to the compiler and linker, an RTOS-aware debugger, a seamless
interface to the nRF Connect SDK and a serial terminal among other useful tools. A
DeviceTree viewer is also included. It visualizes the configured hardware and helps you easily
navigate the DeviceTree source. Adding custom boards is made significantly simpler through
the help of the Create New Board wizard.
Nordic Semiconductor
nRF Connect SDK (NCS)
nRF Connect SDK contains several components, including the Zephyr RTOS, MCUboot, and
nrfxlib peripheral libraries for the nRF5340 CPU within the NORA-B1 series modules.
Installation of NCS is managed through nRF Connect for Desktop. Available for 32- and 64-
bit Windows, macOS, and 64-bit Linux platforms.
Nordic Command Line Tools are installed with NCS, including nrfjprog.
Nordic Semiconductor
nRF Connect for Mobile
nRF Connect for Mobile is a powerful generic tool that allows you to scan and explore your
Bluetooth LE devices and communicate with them. nRF Connect for Mobile supports several
Bluetooth SIG adopted profiles, as well as the Device Firmware Update profile (DFU) from
Nordic Semiconductor or Eddystone from Google. Available for iOS and Android. Installation
is nRF Connect for Mobile is optional.
Nordic Semiconductor
Mobile Apps (optional)
Additional, optional mobile utilities for application development. Available for iOS and
SEGGER J-Link Software and
Documentation Pack
J-Link Commander (JLink.exe) is a command line-based utility that can be used for verifying
proper functionality of J-Link as well as for simple analysis of the target system. It supports
some simple commands, such as memory dump, halt, step, and go, to verify the target
connection. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.
Table 1: Development tools