EVK-M101, EVK-M101C - User guide
4.3 Time pulse
u-blox receivers include a time pulse function that provides pulses with a configurable pulse period,
pulse length and polarity (rising or falling edge). The u-center 2 evaluation tool can be used to
configure the time pulse parameters. The time pulse signal is available at the 14-pin and RS-232
connectors. In addition, the time pulse signal is inverted and connected to the LED on the front panel
of the EVK.
The time pulse signal from the 14-pin connector has 50 ohms output and thus, no fast
slope output signal is possible.
4.4 Reset button
The RST button on the front panel resets the u-blox M10 receiver.
4.5 Safe boot button
This button is used to set the receiver into safeboot mode. In this mode, the receiver executes only
the minimal functionality.
The safeboot mode is not recommended in EVK-M101/C because the u-blox M10 receiver is
using a ROM-based firmware and thus, it is not necessary to go into safe boot mode.
4.6 LED
On the front panel of the EVK unit, a single blue LED shows the time pulse signal as well as the status
that the device is supplied. The LED starts flashing one pulse per second during a GNSS fix. If there
is no GNSS fix, the LED will only be lit, without flashing.
4.7 Flash memory
EVK-M101/C has a 16-Mbit SPI flash that is connected to the u-blox M10 receiver. By default it can
be used to:
• Store the current configuration permanently.
• Save data logging results.
• Hold AssistNow
Offline and AssistNow
Autonomous data.
Only the UART interface (option 0) is available for communication with the receiver when
the flash is in use. See section
for more information.
A token is required to be able to download AssistNow
Offline. Refer to the u-center 2 User
] for more information.
4.8 Super capacitor
The evaluation kit board includes a 1.0 F super capacitor to supply the backup power domain of the
EVK-M101/C and is charged whenever there is a power supply available, either via USB or through
the 14-pin connector. The super capacitor provides backup power directly to the EVK-M101/C
V_BCKP power input of the GNSS receiver in case no other V_BCKP power supply is provided. The
super capacitor allows more than 12 hours of backup power, when it is fully charged to 3.3 V.
Avoid doing a hot start before having applied the power supply (from USB or from the 14-
pin connector) for few minutes because the super capacitor requires about 200 seconds to
charge to 2.0 V and about 1000 seconds to charge fully to 3.3 V.
UBX-21003949 - R04
4 Device description
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