ANNA-B112 - System integration manual
UBX-18009821 - R09
Page 46 of 66
General High Speed layout guidelines
These general design guidelines are considered as best practices and are valid for any bus present in
the ANNA-B112 module; the designer should prioritize the layout of higher speed busses. Low
frequency signals are generally not critical for layout.
One exception is represented by High Impedance traces (such as signals driven by weak pull
resistors) that may be affected by crosstalk. For those traces, a supplementary isolation of 4w
from other busses is recommended.
General considerations for schematic design and PCB floor-planning
Verify which signal bus requires termination and add series resistor terminations to the
Carefully consider the placement of the module with respect to antenna position and host
Verify with PCB manufacturer allowable stack-ups and controlled impedance dimensioning.
Verify that the power supply design and power sequence are compliant with ANNA-B112 module
specification (refer to section 1.4).
Module placement
Accessory parts like bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible to the module to
improve filtering capability, prioritizing the placement of the smallest size capacitor close to
module pads.
Take care not to place components close to the antenna area. Designers should carefully follow
the recommendations from the manufacturer when deciding the distance between the antenna
and other parts of the system. Designers should also maximize the distance of the antenna to
high-frequency busses like DDRs and other related components, or consider an optional metal
shield to reduce interferences that could otherwise be picked up by the antenna and subsequently
reduce module sensitivity.
An optimized module placement allows for better RF performance. The design aspects to consider
when deciding where the module is best placed are discussed in section 1.10.
Layout and manufacturing
Avoid stubs on high-speed signals. Even through-hole vias may have an impact on signal quality.
Verify the recommended maximum signal skew for differential pairs and length matching of buses.
Minimize the routing length; longer traces will degrade signal performance. Ensure that maximum
allowable length for high-speed busses is not exceeded.
Ensure that you track your impedance matched traces. Consult with your PCB manufacturer early
in the project for proper stack-up definition.
RF and digital sections should be clearly separated on the board.
Ground splitting is not allowed below the module.
Minimize bus length to reduce potential EMI issues from digital busses.
All traces (including low speed or DC traces) must couple with a reference plane (GND or power);
Hi-speed busses should be referenced to the ground plane. In this case, if the designer needs to
change the ground reference, an adequate number of GND vias must be added in the area of
transition to provide a low impedance path between the two GND layers for the return current.
Hi-Speed busses are not allowed to change reference plane. If a reference plane change is
unavoidable, some capacitors should be added in the area to provide a low impedance return path
through the different reference planes.
Trace routing should keep a distance greater than 3w from the ground plane routing edge.