Ubee Interactive
Using the WLAN Option
Ubee EVW32C Advanced Wireless Voice Gateway Subscriber User Manual • March 2017
Selecting a Wireless Channel
You may need to change the wireless channel on which the EVW32C operates when you
are in computing, test, and other environments where several wireless access points may
be operating in the 2.4GHz range.
In some cases, you may want to segment your wireless traffic where a group of devices
operates on one channel and another group operates on another channel, and so on. This
is done by configuring the channel on each wireless access point individually (if you have
multiples). If you have control over only one wireless device in an environment where
there may be several, you can change the wireless channel on your device to one that is
not heavily used.
To change the wireless broadcast channel, refer to
Using the Basic Option on page
2.4GHz Channels
The following diagram displays the 2.4GHz channels available in the Americas. Each
available channel is 22MHz wide. Since channels overlap, it is best to choose channels
that have the least overlap (typically 1, 6, and 11 in the Americas, and 1, 5, 9, and 13 in
Europe). Overlapping channels can cause wireless network performance issues.
In the USA, channels 1-11 are used. There
are 3 non-overlapping channels (1, 6, and
11). Auto channel should be selected to
ensure that the channel with the least
interference is used.
23 non-overlapping channels.
Wider range
Shorter Range
Higher, as many wireless devices such as
cordless phones, microwave ovens, and
computers use the 2.4GHz frequency.
Lower chance of picking up interference
because fewer types of wireless devices use
the 5GHz frequency.
Recommended for simple Internet browsing
and email, as these applications don’t take
too much bandwidth and work fine at a
greater distance.
Recommended for applications that require
uninterrupted throughput, like media
streaming. The wider spectrum delivers better
If you want to use the 5GHz frequency, all wireless client adapters must support 5GHz.