RT-2087/ZPX-A User and Installation Guide
UAV-1005667-001 Rev A
ECCN 7A994
Page 32 | 48
Aircraft Emitter Type
The aircraft emitter type default is ‘No Information Available’. This must be
configured as appropriate for the host aircraft.
ADS-B In Capability
The ADS-B transmissions include an indication to the ground stations of
whether the aircraft includes a 1090 MHz ADS-B receiver, a UAT ADS-B
receiver, or both. This data is used to determine if ADS-R or TIS-B is worth
broadcasting to your aircraft if conditions allow it. ZPX-A does not include
an ADS-B receiver. Only select these items if you have a separate ADS-B
receiver on-board.
Baro Altitude Source
By default, ZPX-A utilizes pressure altitude measurements from an internal
TSO-C88b pressure altitude source for Mode C, S, and ADS-B messages.
If desired, an existing or external altitude source can be used in lieu of the
internal altitude source. To do so, change the ZPX-A
“Baro Altitude Source”
from “Internal” to “External”. If set to “External”, ZPX-A will use the
barometric pressure altitude reported in the Control Message in all Mode C,
S, and ADS-B messages.
10.1.10 Serial Port Baud Rate
This setting configures the speed of the control interface serial baud rate in
10.1.11 SIL / SDA
Set SIL according to the advertised integrity level of the GPS source.
Per AC 20-165B, ZPX-A
’s System Design Assurance (SDA) must report
the lowest SDA value of the ADS-B system. The ADS-B system includes
both the SDA of ZPX-A and the paired GPS position source. If the paired
GPS SDA is less than 2, configure the ZPX-A SDA value to the SDA of the
GPS. For GPS SDA values
≥ 2, configure the ZPX-A SDA to 2.