UAV-1001626-001 Rev F
ECCN 7A994
21 | 30
9.8 Aircraft Length / Width
When on the ground, ADS-B transmits encoded aircraft size information
which is used by ATC to identify taxiing routes and potential conflicts. Enter
the length and width (wingspan) fields and the appropriate size codes will
be calculated for transmission.
Air Aircraft Length in
Aircraft Width (wing
span) in Meters
L ≤ 15
W ≤ 23
15 < L ≤ 25
28.5 < W ≤ 34
25 < L ≤ 35
33 < W ≤ 38
35 < L ≤ 45
39.5 < W ≤ 45
45 < L ≤ 55
45 < W ≤ 52
55 < L ≤ 65
59.5 < W ≤ 67
65 < L ≤ 75
72.5 < W ≤ 80
75 < L ≤ 85
W > 80
L > 85