AV-30-E Service Bulletin Software Upgrade 1.1.0
UAV-1005261-001 Rev A
Using a 3/16” nut driver, tighten the two [2] Jack Screws to 5in*lbs max. Do
Not Overtighten!
Reattach the original AV-30 Backshell Connector. Using a flat screwdriver,
tighten the two [2] screws to 5in*lbs max. Do Not Overtighten!
8.3.4 Reinstall AV-30 in
If the AV-30 was removed from the aircraft instrument panel, reinstall the
unit. If the original screws have been misplaced please
9.6 Mounting Screw Length Restriction from the AV
E Service Bulletin Software Upgrade 1.1.0
1 Rev A
Using a 3/16” nut driver, tighten the two [2] Jack Screws to 5in*lbs max. Do
30 Backshell Connector. Using a flat screwdriver,
tighten the two [2] screws to 5in*lbs max. Do Not Overtighten!
in Instrument Panel (If Removed)
30 was removed from the aircraft instrument panel, reinstall the
. If the original screws have been misplaced please observe
9.6 Mounting Screw Length Restriction from the AV-30 Installation Man
Using a 3/16” nut driver, tighten the two [2] Jack Screws to 5in*lbs max. Do
30 Backshell Connector. Using a flat screwdriver,
30 was removed from the aircraft instrument panel, reinstall the
ve Section
30 Installation Manual.