0621 IS-20903
S-20903, S-20904
IMPORTANT! Before using, you must re-roll
the bandage to ensure the fastener is in the
proper place for wrapping.
1. Disconnect the hook closure
from bandage. (See Figure 1)
2. Hold bandage so ACE™ label is
facing away from you.
(See Figure 2)
3. Begin re-rolling bandage so
the ACE™ label is on the inside.
(See Figure 3)
4. With bandage re-rolled, the
fastener end will be on the
correct side to fasten the
bandage after wrapping.
(See Figure 4)
1. Start wrapping at ball of foot,
continuing under foot from
inside to outside. (See Figure 5)
2. Make two or three turns around
foot, moving towards ankle with
each turn. Overlap one-half
of the previous layer. Begin
a figure-eight turn bringing
bandage up outside of foot,
over instep and inside around
ankle. (See Figure 6)
3. Continue down inside of foot
around heel, back up over
instep, down under foot, and
back up completely around
ankle. (See Figure 7)
4. Repeat figure-eight two or three
times, overlapping one-half of
the previous layer and rising
above the ankle. (See Figure 8)
1. Rinse the bandage in lukewarm soapy water by
hand. Please note, the antimicrobial treatment lasts
for at least 10 washings. To prolong the life of the
bandage, do not scrub the bandage.
2. Dry the bandage by laying it out flat on a clean
surface. After the bandage has dried, roll the
bandage as you would after using it. Be sure
to smooth out all wrinkles. This is essential for
re-bandaging. No ironing is required.
Figure 1
Figure 5
Figure 2
Figure 6
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 7
Figure 8
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Pour le français, consulter la page 3.