NEO-M9N - Integration manual
To configure the SBAS functionalities use the CFG-SBAS-* configuration group.
Enabled/disabled status of the SBAS subsystem
Allow/disallow SBAS usage from satellites in test mode
Use the SBAS satellites for navigation (ranging)
Combined enable/disable switch for fast-, long-term and ionosphere corrections
Apply integrity information data
Allows selectively enabling/disabling SBAS satellites
Table 7: SBAS configuration parameters
When SBAS integrity data are applied, the navigation engine stops using all signals for
which no integrity data are available (including all non-GPS signals). It is not recommended
to enable SBAS integrity on borders of SBAS service regions in order not to inadvertently
restrict the number of available signals.
SBAS integrity information is required for at least 5 GPS satellites. If this condition is not
met, SBAS integrity data will not be applied.
SBAS is only used if no correction services are available. If the connection stream is lost
during the operation, the receiver will switch to using the SBAS corrections after the time
set in CFG-NAVSPG-CONSTR_DGNSSTO (60 s by default) has elapsed.
When the receiver switches from a solution using correction data to a standard position
solution, the reference frame of the output position will switch from the one of the
correction data to that of the standard position solution. For an SBAS solution this
reference frame will be aligned within a few cm of WGS84 (and modern ITRF realizations).
3.3 Geofencing
3.3.1 Introduction
Figure 5: Geofence
The geofencing feature allows for the configuration of up to four circular areas (geofences) on the
Earth's surface. The receiver will then evaluate for each of these areas whether the current position
lies within the area or not and signal the state via UBX messaging and PIO toggling.
3.3.2 Interface
Geofencing can be configured using the CFG-GEOFENCE-* configuration group. The geofence
evaluation is active whenever there is at least one geofence configured.
UBX-19014286 - R07
3 Receiver functionality
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