TC215 step by step up guideline – configuring your monitor 20150326
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A step by step guide to setting up a TyrePal TC215B Tyre Pressure Monitoring System
The TC215B system is designed for people wishing to monitor the tyre pressures on a trailer or caravan, while also
having the potential to monitor the tyre pressures and temperatures on the tow vehicle as well. The TC215B system
operates wirelessly, using external sensors which simply replace the valve caps on the wheels. The components of
the TC215B system are as follows:
Please familiarise yourself with these components before attempting to turn the monitor on.
Please read through, all of these set up guidelines before attempting to configure your monitor. This is important.
We recommend that you read the user manual provided with your TC215B kit, before proceeding to use these step
by step set up guidelines. These guidelines do not replace the user manual.
Set up Procedures
It will be necessary to configure your TC215 monitor to the parameters required for your specific caravan / trailer or
towing vehicle. This includes setting the high and low pressure alert levels – which in most circumstances, might
need adjusting according to whether the system is being used to monitor the tyre pressures on the tow vehicle as
well as a trailer or caravan. (It is usually necessary to adjust the tyre pressures of the towing vehicle when towing a
trailer or caravan. The tyre pressures for solo use, will be different to those required when towing.)
Setting / adjusting high and low pressure alert levels
Note: we recommend that the high pressure alert level is set at +20% of the recommended inflation pressure
(when cold) and the low pressure is set at -15% of the recommended inflation pressure.
Work these out before you start.
Turn the monitor on, using the sliding switch on the left hand side of the monitor. Push it up to turn it on. You
will see the start-up screen as per picture below. (This monitor has not had sensors registered to the monitor
On / off switch
Start-up screen