Tyco WMA-1 Manual Download Page 1

Item 5.

 The alarm line piping must be 

positioned such that it can be drained 

back to the waterflow detection valve 


Item 6.

 The Clean-Out Sump Plug is to 

be located vertically below the Inlet to 

the Water Motor.

Item 7.

 Piping from the Water Motor 

Drain must be a minimum of 1 in.  

(DN25) in size throughout and directed 

to an open drain in order to ensure 

proper drainage for obtaining the 

maximum sound pressure level.

Note: The Water Motor Alarm Drain 

may be connected to the main drain 

of a waterflow detection valve if a non-

spring loaded swing-type check valve 

is installed in a horizontal portion of the 

water motor alarm drain piping (before 

its connection to the main drain).

Item 8.

 In order to minimize any wall 

staining that can be created by drain 

water, it is recommended that the drain 

piping from the Water Motor be galva-

nized steel, brass, or other suitable cor-

rosion-resistant material.

The owner is responsible for main-

taining their fire protection system 

and devices in proper operating con-

dition. Contact the installing contrac-

tor or product manufacturer with any 





UL and ULC Listed 

FM, LPCB and VdS Approved

Gong Finish

Red or Aluminum

Working Water Pressure Range

7 to 300 psi (0,5 to 20,7 bar)

Nozzle K-factor

0.7 gpm/psi


 (10,1 Lpm/bar




3/4 in., cast iron, 20 mesh screen

Trim Components

Galvanized steel nipples and cast iron 




The TYCO Model WMA-1 Water Motor 

Alarm must be used in accordance with 

the following design criteria:

Item 1.

 The Y-Strainer is to be located 

at the alarm outlet of the waterflow 

detection valve trim.

Item 2.

 The Water Motor Alarm 

must only be mounted to a rigid 

wall surface that will not permit the  

Striker /Gong Mount to loosen and fall 

out of alignment.

Item 3.

 In order to obtain the highest 

possible sound level, the Water Motor 

Alarm should be located as close as 

possible to the waterflow detecting 

valve. For guidance, refer to NFPA 13.

Item 4.

 The alarm line piping from the 

alarm outlet of the waterflow detection 

valve trim to the Water Motor Alarm 

must be 3/4 in. (DN20) in size through-

out and it must be galvanized steel, 

brass, or other suitable corrosion-resis-

tant material.



The TYCO Model WMA-1 Water Motor 

Alarm is a hydraulically operated 

outdoor alarm designed for use with 

fire protection system waterflow detec-

tion valves. It is lightweight yet rugged, 

and it can be used in conjunction with 

alarm check, dry pipe, deluge, and pre-

action valves to sound a local alarm.
The Water Motor Alarm is suitable 

for mounting to any type of rigid wall 

and can accommodate a wall thick-

ness range of 2 in. to 18 in. (50 mm 

to 450 mm). It is provided with a listed 

and approved TYCO Model WMA-1 

Y-Strainer for use in the alarm line.
The Model WMA-1 utilizes a lightweight, 

impeller design that can produce a very 

high sound pressure level. The Gong, 

Gong Mount, and Water Motor Housing 

are fabricated from corrosion-resistant 

aluminum alloys. The polymer drive 

bearings do not require lubrication, and 

the Gong is closely fitted to the Gong 

Mount to eliminate the need for a sepa-

rate cover.
The Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm 

is a re-designation for the Central 

Model F-2, Gem Model F630, and Star 

Model S450.


The TYCO Model WMA-1 Water Motor 

Alarm described herein must be 

installed and maintained in compliance 

with this document, as well as with the 

applicable standards of the NATIONAL 


(NFPA), in addition to the standards 

of any authorities having jurisdiction. 

Failure to do so may impair the perfor-

mance of this device.

Model WMA-1 Water Motor Alarm 

Hydraulically Operated 

Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm

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AUGUST 2018 






Refer to Technical Data Sheet 

TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to 

regulatory and health information.
