VIZOR Electronic Dry Pipe Accelerator (EDPA)
Quick-Opening Device for
Dry Pipe Systems
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Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to
regulatory and health information.
The TYCO VIZOR Electronic Dry Pipe
Accelerator (EDPA) is a quick-opening
device intended to reduce the operat-
ing time of the dry pipe valves listed in
Table A following operation of one or
more automatic sprinklers.
Unlike traditional mechanically oper-
ated quick-opening devices, the VIZOR
Accelerator is a microprocessor-based,
electronic, quick-opening device.
The VIZOR Accelerator automatically
adjusts to both small and slow changes
in system air pressure, but trips when
there is a steady drop in system air
pressure upon sprinkler operation.
The VIZOR Accelerator features the
• Direct mounting to the riser
• Installation consistent with the
installation of mechanical devices
• Easy test-and-reset function, as
compared to mechanical
• Operation of a dry pipe valve within
four seconds — over a wide range
of system volumes, system initial air
pressures, and sprinkler K-factors
• Built-in low-pressure and high-pres-
sure alarm supervision
• Electronically self-supervising
technology, similar to that used in
typical alarm panels for alarm and
detection systems
• Battery back-up in the event of
primary power failure
The VIZOR Electronic Dry Pipe Acceler-
ator utilizes a unique, patented system
air pressure monitoring design that
continuously samples the system air
When the VIZOR Accelerator detects
a sustained drop in air pressure, the
VIZOR Accelerator energizes its inter-
nal solenoid valve.
The energized solenoid valve then
opens to permit system air pressure
into the intermediate chamber of the
dry pipe valve.
The pressurized intermediate chamber
neutralizes the differential pressure
holding the dry pipe valve closed and
permits the dry pipe valve to trip and
flow water into the system piping.
The VIZOR Electronic Dry Pipe Acceler-
ator described herein must be installed
and maintained in compliance with this
document and with the applicable stan-
TION ASSOCIATION, in addition to the
standards of any authorities having
jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair
the performance of this device.
The owner is responsible for main-
taining their fire protection system
and devices in proper operating con-
dition. Contact the installing contrac-
tor or product manufacturer with any
Quick operation of the TYCO VIZOR
Electronic Dry Pipe Accelerator
does not ensure that the fire protec-
tion system will meet the water deliv-
ery time requirement of the authority
having jurisdiction (following opening of
the Inspector’s Test Connection). The
sprinkler system designer has to be
aware that water delivery time is primar-
ily determined by the configuration and
volume of the piping network, system
air pressure at the time of accelerator
trip, number and orifice size of open
sprinklers, and water supply character-
istics. It is essential for the designer to
verify the impact of these site-specific
factors on water delivery time.
Listings and approvals are under
the name of Potter Electric Signal
Company Electric Dry Pipe Accelera-
tor (EDPA). Refer to Table A for List-
ings and Approvals for use of the
VIZOR Accelerator with specific dry
pipe valves.
• UL and ULC Listed
The VIZOR Accelerator is UL and
ULC Listed per UL1486 for a max-
imum system capacity of 1690
gallons (6397 liters) for a single
nominal 5.6 K-factor sprinkler and a
maximum working water pressure
of 300 psi (20,7 bar).
• FM Approved
The VIZOR Accelerator is FM
Approved for TYCO Model DPV-1
Valves and can be used with the
following discontinued models:
Central Models AG and AF, GEM
Models F302 and F3021, and Star
Models A and A1.