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H/S 6691
Important User Notice
Concerning SCOTT EZ Flo + and EZ Flo II + CBRN Regulators
February 19, 2008
All Users of SCOTT EZ Flo CBRN Regulators
Carefully review this entire notice before taking action. Some users of EZ Flo + and EZ
Flo II+ CBRN regulators have reported sticking of the diaphragm. Investigation has de-
termined that build up of dirt and debris causes this condition. Sticking of the diaphragm
may expose the user to the atmosphere the respirator was intended to protect against.
Proper cleaning and maintenance procedures will limit buildup of foreign matter in the
regulator, and prevent sticking of the diaphragm.
The CBRN Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) is intended to protect the user’s
respiratory system from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear contaminants. To
ensure the proper operation of the SCBA, routine, regular maintenance is critical to proper
function of the unit. One key element of the maintenance program is proper cleaning of
the regulator. FIGURES 1 and 2 show the EZ Flo + and EZ Flo II+ CBRN regulators,
easily identified because of their orange cover label.
SCOTT includes information on the CLEANING THE MASK MOUNTED REGULATOR and
REGULATOR CHECK in its user instructions. Those instructions are reproduced on the
following pages.
FIGURE 1 – EZFlo I CBRN Regulator
FIGURE 2 – EZFlo II CBRN Regulator