The Model TFP1 Residential Flush
Pendent Sprinklers are decorative
fusible solder sprinklers designed for
use in residential occupancies such
as homes, apartments, dormitories,
and hotels. When aesthetics is the
major consideration, the Model TFP1
should be your first choice.
They are to be used in wet pipe resi-
dential sprinkler systems for one-
and two-family dwellings and mobile
homes per NFPA 13D; wet pipe resi-
dential sprinkler systems for residen-
tial occupancies up to and including
four stories in height per NFPA 13R;
or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for
the residential portions of any occu-
pancy per NFPA 13.
The Model TFP1 has a 4.2 (60,5) K-
factor which provides very low de-
sign flow rates at reduced residual
pressures, enabling smaller pipe
sizes and water supply requirements.
The flush design of the Model TFP1
features a separable escutcheon pro-
viding 3/8 inch (9,5 mm) vertical ad-
justment. This adjustment reduces
the accuracy to which the fixed pipe
drops to the sprinklers must be cut
to help assure a perfect fit installa-
The Model TFP1 has been designed
with heat sensitivity and water distri-
bution characteristics proven to help
in the control of residential fires to
improve the chance for occupants to
escape or be evacuated. However,
residential fire sprinkler systems are
not a substitute for intelligent fire
safety awareness or fire safety con-
struction required by building codes.
The Model TFP1 Residential Flush
Pendent Sprinklers described
herein must be installed and main-
tained in compliance with this
document, as well as with the ap-
plicable standards of the National
Fire Protection Association, in ad-
dition to the standards of any
other authorities having jurisdic-
tion. Failure to do so may impair
the integrity of these devices.
Because of the above cited stipu-
lations and the varied nature of
residential type architecture, there
will be some compartment de-
signs which cannot be fully
sprinklered in accordance with
the recommendations of NFPA 13,
13D, or 13R. In the event of this
condition, consult the authorities
having jurisdiction for guidance
and approval.
It is the responsibility of the in-
stalling contractor to provide a
copy of this document to the
owner or his representative, and
in turn, it is the obligation of the
owner to provide a copy of this
document to a succeeding owner.
The owner is responsible for main-
taining their fire protection sys-
tem and devices in proper operat-
ing condition. The installing
contractor or sprinkler manufac-
turer should be contacted relative
to any questions.
The sprinkler assembly
contains a small fusible solder ele-
ment. When exposed to sufficient
heat from a fire, the solder melts and
enables the internal components of
the sprinkler to fall away. At this point
the sprinkler activates with the de-
flector dropping into its operated po-
sition (Reference Figure 1C), permit-
ting water to flow.
Sprinkler Identification Number:
UL and C-UL Listed under the name
of Tyco Fire Products. (With excep-
tion to the sloped ceiling criteria, the
approvals apply only to the service
conditions indicated in the Design
Criteria section.)
Maximum Working Pressure:
175 psi (12,1 bar)
Discharge Coefficient:
K = 4.2 GPM/psi
(60,5 LPM/bar
Temperature Rating:
3/8 inch (9,5 mm) vertical
Sprinkler and Escutcheon: White,
Physical Characteristic:
Dezincification resistant bronze body
and copper gasketed orifice seal de-
Model TFP1
4.2 K-Factor - Fast
Response Residential
Tyco Fire Products — www.centralsprinkler.com
451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446
Customer Services/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / Fax: (215) 362-5385
Technical Services: Tel. (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500
Flush Pendent
No. 4-6.0