5. Set clock mode
To enter the set clock mode, press ‘Mode’ button
for more then 5 secs in Bluetooth paring mode.
The digital clock starts blinking once the connected
instrument cluster enters the set clock mode.
• Press the ‘Mode’ button while the digital clock
is blinking. The hour digits of clock starts blinking
and enables you to change the hours.
• Press the ‘Set’ button to increase the hours while
hour digits are blinking.
• On pressing the ‘Mode’ button again the hours
gets set and the minute digits starts blinking.
• Now, press the ‘Set’ button to increase the
minutes while minute digits are blinking.
• Once again press the ‘Mode’ button so the
minutes of the clock is set and the hours format
‘AM’ or ‘PM’ starts blinking.
• Press the ‘Set’ button to change the hour format
either to set ‘AM’ or ‘PM’.
• Press the ‘Mode’ button once again to set clock
and wait for 5 secs to come out of set clock
In this mode, if the vehicle speed crosses above 2 km/h,
connected instrument cluster will enter to ‘STREET
MODE’ automatically.
If no input is given for more than 5 secs while the set
clock mode is in operation, the connected instrument
cluster comes out of this mode automatically.
The clock time gets sync automatically on paring your
Android smart phone with the connected instrument
cluster provided if auto sync clock setting is enabled in