Manual Ref: XHD-TVI-02
Getting The Most Out Of The TVision Range
white Balance
White balance is confi gured so that objects appear a natural colour.
There are various ways this can be achieved as explained below.
The white balance is continuously adjusted according to the
colour temperature of the image.
Makes allowances for natural light sources and adjusts the image’s
colour accordingly.
Automatically sets the white balance by holding a white object
such as a piece of paper or card in-front of the camera and
pressing set.
Allows you to manually fi ne tune the white balance of the image.
DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)
Digital noise reduction is the process of applying a fi lter to the
image to reduce noise from the video signal. You can choose the
strength of the fi lter from Low, Middle and High.
Allows the user to “
block out
” up to 16 areas in the picture so that
the installation complies with the Data Protection Act and avoids
infringing other people’s privacy rights. This could be used to
block out windows on a neighbouring property or screens and
signs that display sensitive information.
Enables the user to digitally zoom in on an area of the image if
the optical lens is not quite enough. PIP (Picture In Picture) can be
enabled so that a small window showing the original size image
is overlaid onto the screen when zoomed in. It detects movement
in a certain area. This can be used to get a closer view of faces or
number plates.