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Screens showing aborted cycles AFTER a completed
sterilization stage
The sterilization phase ended successfully
– the cycle was aborted and
the reason for the failure is displayed. When the sterilization portion of
the cycle is successful the display remains white even though the cycle
was aborted.
There is a mandatory 1 minute of drying at the end of any aborted
The next three scenarios show examples of possible error messages:
3.2.1. Canceled by user AFTER complete sterilization stage
The sterilization stage ended successfully, however the operator
manually aborted the remainder of the cycle, by pressing the
key. This resulted in the following sequence of screens
showing the reason for the aborted cycle.
The user will have to press the
key, after the mandatory
1-minute drying, to clear the message and unlock the door.
3.2.2. Door is open AFTER the sterilization stage has finished
The sterilization stage ended successfully, however the door switch
indicated that the door was opened. This resulted in the following
sequence of screens showing the reason for the aborted cycle.