User Manual
Before starting up the device, please read this manual carefully,
particularly the router installation instructions and safety information.
Connect the antennas to the connectors located on the back of the router.
Connect your computer and the router with an Ethernet cable. Use one of the connectors label-
led LAN0 to LAN4 on the router.
Plug the Ethernet cable from your modem or other device given to you by your internet service
provider into the WAN connector.
Plug the power cable into the router.
: Make sure that you are using a power adapter labelled
Turris Omnia (12 V, 3.33 A)
When booting up, the device gradually lights up the indicator LEDs on the front panel. This is a
standard part of the start-up sequence.
Wait about one minute (until the router assigns an IP address), type
into your
internet browser and follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
The current version of the manual is available at
For more information go to
* This manual is valid for standard packaging router Turris Omnia. If you have any other version (or additi-
onal accessories), please visit
for more information.
Router Turris Omnia
3× antenna
Power adapter
and cable