Assembly Instructions
Thank you for
purchasing the Jr. Kip
Bar. We hope you will
enjoy years of use of
this product.
After opening the
boxes, please check
the parts list to make
sure all pieces have
arrived in good
condition. If you have
any questions during
this assembly process,
please call
customer service
44 (0)2921 167 949.
Parts List
2 - Uprights
1 - Center Cross
End Cross Supports
Hardware Includes:
(2) D-2 Knobs
(1) Allen Wrench
(12) Set Screws
Jr. Kip Bar
1 - Bar Assembly
Troubleshooting tip:
Spray WD-40 on the
metal uprights for
ease of sliding the
bar up and down.
Tumbl Trak equipment is not recommended for
the use in
Parkour/Free Running
related activities.
in Red or