Operational Mode - Meters (S)
Meters (S) mode displays a maximum of 8 audio sources across both displays, using a maximum of 16 audio
level meters.
Meters (S) mode allows a single audio source to be selected for monitoring at a time.
The audio sources that are displayed and made available for selection are determined by the currently
selected audio mix group (MIX A in the example above).
Switching between available audio mix groups is achieved using the small rotary encoder on the left-hand
side of the two displays.
Please note that the Mix Groups available for selection by rotating the small rotary encoder are determined
in the Mix Permissions Menu (see page 43)
Please refer to the Mix Group Sources Menu option (see page 47) for Information on how specific sources
can be routed to specific audio mixes.
Selecting a desired audio source is achieved simply by pressing the corresponding Source Select button.
When an audio source is selected for monitoring, its Source Select button will turn Green and its
corresponding audio level meter will be highlighted. In the example above, audio source # 5 has been
selected for monitoring and will be audible to the user.
Selecting a different audio source for monitoring causes the previously selected audio source to be
deselected automatically.
Source select buttons that are lit red denote Audio sources that are not currently selected and will
therefore not be audible to the user.
The respective audio balance between two or more audio sources is displayed in the Output Level Ribbon
Bar at the top of the display (see page 11 for further information).
The level of contribution to the output mix from any audio source can be changed by rotating the large
rotary encoder whilst simultaneously pushing the corresponding pair select button.
Please note that the ability to change the level of contribution to the output mix can be disabled if required
(see page 68).